Reference no: EM131377355
Unit I
Consider the key tenets of well-known management systems. Discuss why you believe similar, key management concepts tend to recur in the various management systems standards.
What do you think are the top challenges associated with implementing an integrated management approach for a given organization?
Consider and describe how the organizational mission and strategic goals relate to an integrated systems approach to ESH and quality management.
Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act framework is central to the concept of total quality management. Discuss how this approach might also prove useful for other management related endeavors, such as occupational safety and health.
Unit II
Discuss why Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle would be considered a continuous feedback loop for a continuous improvement model. Do you think this organizational model is appropriate for framing or describing ESH management systems? Why or why not?
When considering the definition of integrated management systems, the term "integrated" could refer to integrating a management systems approach into how things are done at a given facility, or it could mean integrating several similar management systems approaches into one way of conducting business to take advantage of efficiencies inherent in economies of scale. Which meaning of the word integrated do you think best fits what we learned this unit? Could both fit? Support your position with a well-reasoned argument.
Compare and contrast the concepts of corrective actions and preventive actions as they related to the "check" and the "act" part of the cycle. Utilize the concept of leading and trailing metrics in your discussion.
Contractors are of great concern when it comes to companies who take a beyond compliance approach to ESH. Consider a scenario where there is a large manufacturing plant that makes custom automobile wheels. This plant applies a beyond compliance approach to safety and health and is a STAR VPP site. The facility plans to nearly double its size in square footage by adding onto the existing facility. The plant will continue to operate during construction. What are some things the company can do to assure they bring on quality contractors and what are the key construction hazards to look out for? Also, who takes responsibility for contractor safety when it comes to applying a beyond compliance, management systems approach?
Unit III
Review the materials presented for the ILO, ANSI Z-10 and CSA OSH standards. Which standard would you prefer to use to serve as a benchmark for conducting a gap analysis? Why would you select this standard over the others?
Explain why ESH management systems standards identify procurement and contracting as an important concern for hazard prevention.
Explain why worker participation is universally important to OSH management systems.
Unit V
Compare and contrast between leading and trailing metrics. Provide examples and explain those that you believe are most useful to the organization and why?
t can be argued that most all companies have programs in place to manage ESH issues in the facility. How does having such systems in place differ from a management systems approach?
Summarize the strategic performance improvement measuring process and how this process would apply to the industrial setting. Can the process include quality, OSH, and environmental management system metrics?
onsider a manufacturing plant that makes AA batteries. It is a highly mechanized facility with a lot of machinery and automated systems. Summarize how an organization might go about measuring the success and/or failures of the company's confined space, lockout/tagout, and machine guarding programs. Make sure you demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental tenets of these safety and health topics as well. Do not forget to make an effort toward considering leading indicators.
Unit VI
Describe the responsibilities of the front-line worker in an organization that uses a management systems approach to safety and health. How do the responsibilities of his or her supervisor and higher management help him or her to succeed?
Why are the behavioral-based safety management techniques not congruent with a management systems approach to worker safety and health?
Distinguish between the concepts of accountability and responsibility in the context of a safety management systems approach. How are these concepts related?
Discuss to what extent you think the management systems approach requires a greater level of trust in the front-line worker from management. How do you think workers would respond to this?
Unit VII
Present a minimum of three of Deming's 14 points, and describe how they apply to a systems approach to management contrasting Deming's points with the top-down approach to management.
Some believe that companies that utilize a management systems approach outperform their competition. Identify whether you agree with this position and support your position with a well-reasoned and supported argument.
What would you look for in a company software system to support your ESH endeavors and why?
Evaluate at least two of the software systems identified in this unit that are used by companies that practice a management systems approach to ESH. Discuss some of the pros and cons of each. Which would you recommend for your course project organization and why?