Comparative Criminal Justice Systems Author Philip L. Reiche

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Reference no: EM132691416

Read Chapters 5 and 6

Question 1.

Ghana has a specialized Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit that investigate cases involving women, children, and juveniles. Do you believe this specialized unit (staffed by both men and women) is the best approach? What social, cultural, or economic factors existing in a country may dissuade you to view it

Question 2.

Discuss the factors that need to be addressed/considered when establishing a police service in a conquered country (examples: Germany and Japan).

Question 3.

Discuss the Adjudicatory Process. Ensure you highlight/contrast the 2 main process types: Accusatorial and Inquisitorial.

Reference no: EM132691416

Questions Cloud

The Elderly in the Criminal Justice System : We will have to make changes to the procedures we use as criminal justice professionals to accommodate the special needs of the elderly.
Diversity of Religion in the Criminal Justice System : Criminal justice professionals take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Effective administration in correctional agencies : What leadership qualities do you believe are necessary for effective administration in correctional agencies,
Probation Discussion Responses : Probation in the United States is administered by more than 2,000 separate agencies on the municipal, county, state, and federal levels in either the judicial
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems Author Philip L. Reiche : Ghana has a specialized Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit that investigate cases involving women, children, and juveniles.
Alleged sexual harassment : A former waitress for a local restaurant chain is suing the company after enduring months of alleged sexual harassment including one instance
Responsible for ensuring safety-effectiveness of vaccines : The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
Understanding and explaining the data collected : Determining outcomes or approaches begin with understanding and explaining the data collected.
Describe the ethical theory or perspective : Describe the ethical theory or perspective that reflects the viewpoint you are expressing here. Use at least one academic source


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