Comparative and absolute advantage in trading

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM1375125

Suppose if you were President of the United States and you were making decisions on trading, would you rather have a comparative or absolute advantage in trading? Can you have both a comparative and absolute advantage in trading? If so, what if at all would be the benefit for your country to trade with any other country?

Reference no: EM1375125

Questions Cloud

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Comparative and absolute advantage in trading : Suppose if you were President of the United States and you were making decisions on trading, would you rather have a comparative or absolute advantage in trading?
Difference between comparative and absolute advantage : Describe the difference between comparative advantage and absolute advantage.
Terms of as-ad effects on the us economy : I think the ECB made a bad decision past week in keeping its interest value unchanged. European interest value policy is an issue that Americans need to take more seriously.
Question about economies of scale : Suppose you are the owner of a small bank in a state that is planning allowing interstate banking. You do not like this because it will be possible for large money center banks in Washington,
Explain the different attitudes european workers : In the twenty year period 1980-2000 virtually no private jobs were developed in the nations of the European Union as compared to 33 million new private sector jobs in the United States.


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