Company vision, mission, values briefly summarize

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133330674



  1. company Vision, Mission, Values. Briefly summarize what you find. Cite correctly
  2. Identify 4 direct competitors and 2 indirect competitors; explain which company owns each.
  3. For your product line, suggest the specific Segment Traits (demographic, behavioural, psychographic) to better quantify the target Segment here in Canada.
  4. List 5+ Product Attributes that the Target Segment you identified in Part 3, may reasonably bring to a purchase decision. One or more of the attributes must be 'subjective' or emotional eg brand trust, or prestige status it infers, etc
  5. Find whether the 6 competitors would perform better or worse than your Product line, in the POV of the Target. Use Secondary and Casual (user ratings) research. CITE!
  6. Using what you found, Strategy Canvas of all 7 product across each of the 6 Attributes
  7. Explain how your product outperforms (for the Target) each alternatives in a specific ideal "Consumption Occasion" ie when it outperforms each of the others.
  8. Study the Attributes that hold back your brand; suggest a possible license partner to lend strength to your item for this Target. Defend your choice (be sure the licensed brand & their parent/owner is NOT in any conflict with your firm!).
  9. Explain if you would pursue the licensed option & if there is another path to growth you would pursue. Defend your view and explain how what you suggest will appeal to the Target.


Reference no: EM133330674

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