Company management style

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132854168

1. Microsoft

1. Evaluate two key changes in the selected company's management style from the company's inception to the current day. Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed. Provide support for your position.

2. Explain senior management's role in preparing the organization for its most recent change. Provide evidence of whether the transition was seamless or problematic from a management perspective. Provide support for your rationale.

3. Evaluate management's decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons. Indicate the organizational impact of these decisions.

4. As a manager within the selected company, suggest one innovative idea that could have a positive impact on both the employees and customers of the company. Indicate the approach you will take in implementing the new idea. Provide support for your suggestion.

5. Predict the selected company's ability to adapt to the changing needs of customers and the market environment. Indicate one key change in the management structure that may be beneficial to ensuring such an adaptation to change. Provide support for your prediction.

6. Use at least three quality academic resources.

Reference no: EM132854168

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