Company ability to retain competitive advantage

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Reference no: EM133664384


A company's ability to retain its competitive advantage over time is greatly influenced by its human capital (Ployhart et al, 2014). This covers the aptitudes, know-how, and competencies of the labour force. An innovative, highly skilled, flexible, and driven team can boost overall competitiveness and operational efficiency. Talent acquisition, employee engagement and timely training of employees help a company to keep a strong

Reference no: EM133664384

Questions Cloud

Which type of organizational structure : which type of organizational structure should this company adopt?
Reasons why the plan is difficult to replicate elsewhere : Reasons why the plan is difficult to replicate elsewhere: The HCZ's success is mainly attributed to its intricate and tailored approach.
Consistent strategic leadership patterns of behavior : In Jim Collins' Good to Great, the author found consistent strategic leadership patterns of behavior among the top companies as demonstrated
Internal product development process : The intent of the internal product development process (PDP) of an enterprise is To improve software reliability by improving its quality through more disciplin
Company ability to retain competitive advantage : A company's ability to retain its competitive advantage over time is greatly influenced by its human capital
Formal inventory control system in your memo : Analysis of the potential savings from a formal inventory control system in your memo.
External environments that indirectly impact the individual : Exosystem Factors: Move on to the exosystem - the external environments that indirectly impact the individual.
Operating management uses research data for planning : Operating management uses research data for planning, problem solving and control purposes.
Highly efficient and replicable from one location to another : For businesses that operate under this value discipline, their processes are highly efficient and replicable from one location to another,


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