Companies to self manage without headquarter interference

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132220254

What recommendation and action plan to take when following issues exist?

First, a multinational company allows its local companies to self manage without headquarter's interference. Second, most managers don't believe in supporting education because its costly and don't see the great benefits of it. Third, the local companies are not integrated into one by any software or any means. Fourth, the human resource data of each local company is not integrated into one and local employees don't know of any job opportunities of the other companies of this same multinational company. Fifth, only one local company started to support self-developing education plan by financially supporting it and by sharing with its employees all job opportunities it has. In addition, they are taking notes of any past and present education and experience of the employee to help employee get promoted within the company and avoid outsourcing talents.

Reference no: EM132220254

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