Companies be interested in investing in other companies

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133154164

1. How can a manager use a cash flow prediction report prepared by their accountant?

2. Why would companies be interested in investing in other companies? Discuss at least five reasons why that occurs on a regular basis.

3. Find an example online of a company that has experienced financial difficulties? Summarize the events that led to their downfall; is the company still in business?

Reference no: EM133154164

Questions Cloud

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Explain pros and cons of mental health diagnosis : List and explain the pros and cons of mental health diagnosis. Explain why cultural factors should be considered in diagnosis.
Is life coaching business a viable opportunity : As we know nowadays people are having difficulties with their lives. Not only with their health, but also with their self-esteem.
Companies be interested in investing in other companies : Why would companies be interested in investing in other companies? Discuss at least five reasons why that occurs on a regular basis.
Identify potential customer churn : Discuss some methods or applications of data science that can help identify potential customer churn and how it can help prevent customers leaving (retention).
Guidance for internal audit profession : Explain how the COSO framework provides guidance for the Internal Audit profession.
Fraud relating to discrepancy in inventory : You have been assigned to investigate possible fraud relating to a discrepancy in inventory in which management has informed
Applicable laws and professional standards : How would you obtain the evidence based on applicable laws and professional standards?


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