COMP2147 Systems Analysis, Design and Testing Assignment

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Reference no: EM132404485

Comp2147 - Systems Analysis, Design and Testing - George Brown College

Project: ABC clinic

Your company has been awarded the contract to create a "Clinical Management System"software using Object Oriented /Unified Process methodology for the ABC family medicine and walk in clinic.

My Name is John Doe and I am the clinic manager and your main contact for the client. We met during your lecture class on September 5, 2019 and you guys interviewed me about the requirements for the software system. Here is a brief summary of the requirements discussed during the interview.

Please note that I am relying on my memory and to write up all the items discussed during the interview so these requirements are not complete/comprehensive by any means. You should further clarify these by scheduling an interview with one of the stakeholder/potential usersuch as the manager, doctor, nurse, patient, and receptionist.

(**Your instructor will play these roles during the lab/lecturesessions and you may ask him to assume the role of the manager, doctor, nurse, patient, receptionist etc. to further clarify your requirements)

Project Deliverables

1. Create a system service request for creating a Clinical Management System for ABC clinic as requested by its Manager John Doe (use template from chapter 3-slide 8)

2. Develop a professional scale project charter (1-2 pages) as stipulated by PMBOK®. Please research find some suitable template for project charter.

3. Develop a Feasibility Analysisdocument (4-5 page long) to justify the project from financial, organizational, and technical view point (use various templates from chapter 4).

4. Create a Base Project Plan by entering a Work Breakdown Structure in MS Project®
a. Use the Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition phases of OOSAD-based development approach as summary tasks for your project.

b. Please only add the WBS (tabular part) in your project submission showing tasks, durations, dependencies, and resource assignment columns. DO NOT add the Gantt chart or Network Diagrams.

5. Perform textual analysis of thebusiness processes of ABC clinic as described above in this document in order to identify the candidate actors and use cases and create a use case diagram (first cut).

6. Pick any TEN (10) use cases from your project and create Written Use Cases at the Kite Level (bird-eye view, use the template in chapter7 of the text book (fig 7-32, 7-34 on page 226/228).

7. Create Three (3)Activity Diagrams for any three business processes belonging to your project, use the template in chapter7 of the text book (fig 7-37, 7-38, and 7-39 on page 233/234).

8. Modify the first cut use case diagram created in the above step based on the additional details derived from the written use cases activity diagrams and create a refined and detailed use case diagram by incorporating <<include>>, <<extend>>, and <<generalizations>>relationships.

9. Create a context level data flow diagram (DFD) to capture the scope of your project, use the example in chapter7 of the text book (fig 7-4 on page 187)

10. Decompose the context level data flow diagram to create the Level-0DFD (text book names it as Level-0 but the Visual Paradigm tutorials name it as Level-1).

11. Create a decision table to capture the process logic for your system (use the reduced version on page 204, fig 7-19). The table should contain at least 2 conditions and 4 courses of action.

12. Pick any THREE Use cases and create System Sequence Diagrams (SSD) for them (One SSD for each use case).

13. Create a conceptual Data Model (ER) model (incorporate entity generalization hierarchies, if any, and business rules for overlap and disjoint)-[use MS Visio]

14. Create a class diagram that would display class names, attributes, associations and relationships (generalization, composition, and aggregation)

15. Create an ER Model for fully normalized relations (Logical Data Model), use example 9-16 on page 331.

16. Create wireframes for at least Five (5) important forms and reports for your project, use example in fig 10-3 on page 358

17. Create a Dialogue diagram for any one actor/scenario, use example in fig 11-19 on page 406.

18. Create a testing strategy for your system which should include the test types and testing process you would specify [One page document] (use information provided in chapter 13, page 457-464)

Reference no: EM132404485

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COMP2147 Systems Analysis, Design and Testing Assignment : Comp2147 Systems Analysis, Design and Testing Assignment Help and Solution, George Brown College - Assessment Writing Service - Create a system service request
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