Reference no: EM132407575
COMP 20002 - Fundamentals of Relational Database Management - Middle East College
Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to allow the students to design database systems and apply optimal strategies for efficient management of databases.
1) Creating visual representation of the logical structure of a database using Entity- Relationship diagram.
2) Apply normalization techniques to reduce redundancy in a database.
Task 1:
Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week 8 which must include:
a) Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.
b) General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task2 and task 3.
c) Timeline for completion of task2 and task 3.
d) Resources required for completion of the assignment.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle. The proposal can also include draft answers.
Task 2:
a) Construct an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the scenario given below. Identify all the entities, attributes of each entity including primary key, not null, relationship between the entities and cardinality constraints. State any assumptions necessary to support your design.
The SMART kid is an Omani educational center. It has many offices, each workplace is identified by its ID, and it has a name, address and contact number. Each workplace has many faculties and the faculties belongs to exactly one office. The Faculty information includes ID, Name, qualification and Phone number.
In order to improve kids, The Smart Kid center provides several educational programs. A faculty can teach one or more programs and only one faculty teaches a program. Each program has a unique Number, name, occupation and location. When a child's visit to the office, the Customer Relations Officer will record the child's details, such as name, contact number, address and residence number, unique to each child. A child can choose any number of programs or choose no program, at least one kid can choose a program.
Whenever a child selects a program, to monitor the child's level, the date and rating score will be reported. The SMART kid center also provides its kids with various packages such as Abacus, all-round growth, communication skills, etc.
Each package has unique code, name, term and price. Any amount of packages can be purchased by a kid or need not purchase one. At least one kid will buy a Package; otherwise the office will cancel the package. When a child purchases a package, the office would like to record the date to keep the package term.
b) Write your reflection for the above assignment by explaining the ERD in 200 to 400 words in a ssociation with concepts adopted from literature. Conference papers, academic articles, text & reference books can be included in the literature.
Task 3:
a. Normalize the below given Shipment Summary Form to First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third Normal Form. Make assumptions for the identification of the primary key wherever necessary.
b) Write your reflection for the above assignment by explaining the Normalization process in 200 to 400 words in association with concepts adopted from literature. Conference papers, academic articles, text & reference books can be included in the literature.
Attachment:- Fundamentals of Relational Database Management.rar