Reference no: EM132609860 , Length: word count:1500
COMP 1010 Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence - Middle East College
The objective is to enable the student to understand what KM systems, and the organizational impacts that those systems have. Furthermore, factors influencing the success of KM solutions have to be understood including how these systems should be aligned to the organization's business strategy.
1. Compare and contrast between data, information and knowledge
2. Critically evaluate strategies for the capture, organisation, dissemination and application of knowledge within an organisation
By now, you would be aware about the importance of Knowledge Management and how organizations can benefit with well- developed KM systems. You have also seen that it is not very easy to implement Knowledge Management System as it depends on three major factors, namely people, process and technology and that knowledge for an organization can be acquired from various sources both internal and external.
Choose any one of the organization/part of organization (Department) where you have online access to the data and functions to process the working without breaching any confidentiality
You are expected to do the following:
Task 1:
Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 15/08/2020 (23:59) which must include:
• Introduction on the chosen organization and/or department selected for the research, a small overview of KM and the aim of your assignment highlighting the link between them
• Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.
• General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solutions to task 2.
• Timeline for completion of the given tasks.
• Resources to be used.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.
Task 2:
Research has shown that knowledge management is a key influential factor to organizational performance and so it is becoming an increasingly popular practice in organizations. As a knowledge management expert, you have been asked to critically analyse the knowledge management strategies being used by your selected organization. Your analysis should consider the following:
1. Reviewing of the justifications used for knowledge management implementation while keeping in mind the driving forces for knowledge management. This is to ensure that the knowledge management implementation is focused accordingly.
2. The different types of knowledge capturing mechanisms (at least 2) the organization are using and their effectiveness. Also the recommendation with justification of an additional knowledge capturing mechanism that the organization can use.
3. The tools/techniques/technologies used to store and disseminate the captured knowledge, and their effectiveness.
4. The different types of knowledge available within the organization and the effectiveness on how they are being applied/used in the daily operations.
5. The benefits (at least 4) that the knowledge management implementation are bringing to the organization so to justifiy the continuing of such practice.
Attachment:- Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence.rar