COMP 10005 Introduction to Programming Assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132407556

Introduction to Programming (COMP 10005)

Middle East College

The aim of this assignment is to the test student's ability to use control structures, arrays and work with classes and objects to solve specific problems using a programming language.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Use different program control statements in a programming language
2. Demonstrate the use of arrays with a programming language
3. Define and work with classes and objects in a programming language.

1.1 Assignment Proposal

Evaluation Guidelines:

The evaluation will be done on the strength of analysis presented in the proposal. You need to submit a work proposal for this assignment in the form of a completed Word document on Moodle before Wednesday, November 13, 2019which must include:
- What you will do with the given tasks and the dates by when they will be completed
- General overview of initial understanding of solutions to all the tasks
- Identification of Literature Resources

1.2 Oman College has decided to develop OAM calculation system to determine student's classification after their graduation. Write a java program using array concept to perform the following:

1. Write a java code to read the number of students (to input data). The code must then read for each student: student id, student name and (module credits, mark) for 5 modules: (credit1, mark1, credit2, mark2, credit3, mark3, credit4, mark4, credit5, mark5)
2. Calculate OAM as per following formula
OAM = ((credit1 * mark1 + credit2 * mark2 + credit3 * mark3 + credit4 * mark4+ credit5 * mark5)/sum of all credits)

3. Calculate and print the classification based on following condition:
• If OAM greater than or equal to 80, classification is "distinction"
• If OAM between 70 and 79, classification is "second class upper division"
• If OAM between 60 to 69, classification is "second class lower division"
• If OAM between 50 to 59, classification is "third class"
• Otherwise, classification is "fail"

The program must finally display all details of all students with their OAM


Write a java program to calculate the Amount and Total interest using class and object as per following scenario:
Calculate Amount that will compute and display the amount based on the following conditions:

If the type of is c or C for Car and the monthly income is greater than 3,000 then able amount is twice of the monthly income. Otherwise able amount is the same as the monthly income. If the type of is h or H for Housing and the monthly income is greater than 3,000 then the able amount is 5 times of the monthly income. Otherwise, the able amount is 3 times the monthly income.

Calculate Interest that will calculate and display the overall total interest (monthly interest multiply by years to pay) based on the following criteria:

If type of is c or C for Car and years to pay is 3 years, then monthly interest for 3 years is 2% of the able amount. But if the years to pay is 5 years, then monthly interest for 5 years is 3.5% of the able amount. If the type of is h or H for Housing and the years to pay is 3 years, then monthly interest for 3 years is 5% of the able amount. Else if the years to pay is 5 years, then monthly interest for 5 years is 7% of the able amount.

Finally create a main class and then create object for the java class and perform the functionalities. NOTE:- you have to use switch case selection structure for this program.


Write a java program to print following pattern using inner loop concept

2 3
* * *
5 7
* * * * *

Attachment:- Introduction to Programming.rar

Reference no: EM132407556

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