Reference no: EM132615663 , Length: word count:6000
Community Profile Report
This task is due on the following dates:
• Progress Report and Peer review
o Full 10% awarded for a 50% completed report and Peer review report being submitted, 0% awarded for less than 50% completed or incomplete peer review report.
o Uploaded intothe submission folder
• FinalCommunity Profile Report
Word count: 10 pages only (not including peer report), single spacedusing current headings provided (do not remove), Calibri font 11 point, no fewer than 12 references (APA 7th).
The Assessment task:
You have recently started a new nursing role at a community health centre in your local suburb, town or city (where you currently live as a student).The community health centre has recently received a grant of $100,000 to provide a health promotion program that addresses the local health needs of the community at the commencement of 2021.
Part of your nursing role will be to provide this health promotion activity to your local community; however, you do not yet know the current health needs in your community.To identify the specific health issues in your community for next year's health promotion program (NURBN2009), your manager (the lecturer), has asked you to undertake a review of the local suburb, town or city in order to understand the complex elements that contribute to the health status within the area, and then develop a report of what you have found. There may not be a lot of information available about your community,so you may also need to examine your Local Government Area (LGA).
Under normal circumstances, your manager would ask you to visit the suburb, town or city in order toconduct a field study of the various elements that impact health; however, this can take a lot of time and resources. Further, given the current COVID-19 situation, the manager has asked you to perform a "Desktop Audit" and then develop a Community Profile Report. This approach is not ideal; however, it is sometimes necessary when resources and time are limited or there is a risk to your own health or the health of others.
The manager has given you a report form to complete in three (3) months' time. You will investigateyour community via your computer and report on the twelve (12) elements(which are in 4 groups) outlined in the report template (below). In addition, you must identify at least three (3) health issuesfrom your findings, which the financial grant could be used to address.Instructions and prompts have been provided in each section to help you - these are inRED.Read them carefully.
The final Community Profile Report mustbe no more than 10 pages in length (Front Cover, 12 elements, a discussion of the 3 health issues). This report will support the development of your health promotion program in 2021.
The full report is due at the end of October. You must alsoprovide a progress report on the 18th September @5pm. The progress report must include1) a copy of your report with no less than six (6) of the twelve (12) elements completed AND2) a separate page containing a signed peer review report for the manager to review.
Peer Review report
The peer review must be completed by up to two (2) other nursing students who are also in the NURBN1004 course. The peer review of your work is importantto make sure you are on the right track. Also, by peer reviewing the work of others, you can identify areas you need to improve in your own work. It is expected that peer reviewers show each other courtesy and respect. You are expected to review at least one (1)other student's work. You should not review more than two (2). You will need to use telephone, Moodle forum, or other communication methods to find another student to peer review your work - this is YOUR responsibility, not your manager's.
The peer review process is a great time to reach out to others in the course to support them and have them support you, as you would hope to see in a nursing setting.The peer review form is located with the Community Profile Report template in the Assessment section in Moodleand does not count towards the final page count in the Community Profile Report. The peer review form must be uploaded as a separate document by the Week 8 deadline and must be physically signed by the peer who reviewed your work.
Please note: if you successfully upload the Community Profile Report (50% or more complete) AND your peer's review of your work separately, you will automatically receive 10% of the overall grade. However, if the report is less than 50% complete and/or you do not supply your peer review signed report, then the 10% cannot be awarded.
Lastly, we are using the Turnitin similarity checker at the end of the semester to detect any copying of others' work. If a student copies another student's work, it will be picked up by Turnitin and may lead to automatic loss of marks and/or failure of the course.
Attachment:- Assessment NEW.rar