Reference no: EM133220381
For Lakewood Community Health Services, Donna asks you to create a new database to contain information about the vendors that the clinic works with to obtain medical supplies and equipment, and the vendors who service and maintain the equipment. Complete the following steps:
1. Create a new, blank database named Vendor and save it in the folder where you are storing your files, as specified by your instructor.
2. In Datasheet view, begin creating a table. Rename the default ID primary key field to SupplierID. Change the data type of the SupplierID field to Short Text.
3. Add the following 10 fields to the new table in the order shown; all of them are Short Text fields except InitialContact, which is a Date/Time field: Company, Category, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, ContactFirst, ContactLast, and InitialContact. Resize the columns as necessary so that the complete field names are displayed.
4. Save the table as Supplier and close the table.
5. In Design view, begin creating a second table containing the following three Short Text fields in the order shown: ProductID, SupplierID, and ProductName.
6. Make ProductID the primary key and use Primary key as its description. Use Foreign key as the description for the SupplierID field.
7. Add a field called Price to the table, which is of the Currency data type.
8. Add the following two fields to the table in the order shown: TempControl and Sterile. Both are of the Yes/No data type.
9. Add the final field called Units to the table, which is of the Number data type.
10. Save the table as Product and close the table.
11. Use the Navigation Pane to open the Supplier table.
12. Enter the records shown in Figure 1-39 into the Supplier table. For the first record, enter your first name in the ContactFirst field and your last name in the ContactLast field.