Community-based program

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Reference no: EM1333341

a) Megan is a 12-year-old girl who lives in a poor area. Megan's life is full of family problemsâ?"her parents are always fighting, and everyone in her family is in extreme poverty. Megan cannot afford to be on any sports teams, and she is failing math. Her parents cannot afford for her to go to tutoring. Megan believes if she had more money she could help her family afford all these things. Megan knows that some kids sell drugs to get money.

b) Megan is what society would call an at-risk youth, which means that she is at risk for becoming a juvenile offender. If Megan's community had any type of community-based prevention programs, do you think they would be able to help prevent her from violating the law? Could a community-based program also help out with some of the family problems Megan's family is experiencing? Discuss what community-based prevention programs are and what they can offer to Megan and her family.

Reference no: EM1333341

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