Communication that addresses large audiences

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Reference no: EM132298189

1. The main idea of an entire speech: should capture the key message in a concise sentence that listeners can remember easily.

Central idea

Thesis statement



2. A form of evidence that uses numbers to show the relationship between items.

Numerical comparison


Expert testimony


3. Materials used to support claims: statistics, examples, comparisons, quotations





4. A delivery style that involves little preparation; speakers think on their feet as they talk about ideas with which they are familiar.





5. A form of evidence associating two things that are similar or different in some important way.





6. A form of evidence that uses exact citations of others’ statements.


Expert testimony


Agenda setting

7. A presentational style that includes preparation and practice, but not memorization of actual words and nonverbal behaviors





8. The ability of a speaker to inspire trust in their expertise, knowledge, or experience.

Confidence game



Skillful lying

9. Media’s selection of issues, events and people to highlight for attention.



Appointment setting

Agenda setting

10. The belief that the world is dangerous and full of mean people.

Fear tactics



Mean world syndrome

11. A person, group, or institution that controls the choice and presentation of topics by the media

Media corporations



Gate keeper

12. Communication that addresses large audiences


Mass media


Street preaching

13. The effect of television in stabilizing and homogenizing views within a society


Consumer society

Mean world syndrome

Dumbing down the population

14. Incorporating a product or brand into actual storylines in books & television programs

Selling out

Immersive advertising

Product placement

Cashing in

15. Any electronic communication meant to hurt another person, especially on social media.


Poison texts


Nasty emails

16. A word, phrase, or sentence that connects ideas and main points in a speech.





17. Means of recording, transferring, and sharing, and working with information

Digital media


Communication technologies

The electronic age

18. The modern-day, worldwide community made possible by electronic communication

Glacial village

Global village

We are the world

The Web

19. A concept that claims people use mass communication to gratify their interests and desires.

Communication technologies

Immersive advertising

Commercial media

Uses and gratifications theory

20. A cumulative process by which the media fosters beliefs about social reality, including the belief that the world is more dangerous that it really is.




Social manipulation

21. Exaggerated, superlative claims about a product that appear to be factually based by are actually meaningless and unverifiable.


Tobacco industry


Pharmaceutical industry

22. A practice, paid for by advertisers, of featuring products in media so that they are associated with particular characters and storylines.

Synergistic advertising


Product placement

Immersive advertising

23. Engaging in multiple tasks in rapid sequence or overlapping and interactive ways.


Modern dance


Using your phone

24. Electronic modes of communication that store and manage data in digital form.

Analog media

Mass media

Mass communication

Digital media

25. The gap between people and communities that do and do not have access to digital technologies.

Continental divide

Poverty line

Digital divide

The "haves" and the "have-nots."

Reference no: EM132298189

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