Reference no: EM132254873
Approach and Format
Review text and class materials on leadership topics such as: leadership traits and behaviours, contingency approaches to leadership, power and politics, communication, charismatic and transformational leadership. Make good use of this information in the following discussion.
Choose one leader from the following list: Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Gary Kelly (Southwest Airlines), Margaret Thatcher (former British Prime Minister), Barack Obama (former US President), or Donald Trump (current US President).
Using your leadership example, discuss the following:
-In -2-3 pages, describe the leader’s life and leadership efforts.
In some detail (beyond the 2-3 pages), explain how elements of the leader’s characteristics, the follower characteristics and the situation impacted leader effectiveness.
Go to YouTube and find one or more of the leader’s presentations/speeches/interviews. After choosing a speech(es)/interviews, watch it and analyze it. What is your impression of the presentation/speech? Does it seem to be consistent with the communication style of a charismatic leader, a transformational leader or both? What techniques does the leader use to frame the issues and deliver the communication?
Besides using the text as an information source, use at least two other sources to more fully understand the leader.
Finally, provide comments on what you have learned about leadership from your leadership example.