Reference no: EM13364066
Communication and Business Abroad
Let's say that you have been asked to provide briefings to orient the next person sent abroad. Write a briefing that will:
a. Assist one of your female managers from India in adjusting and communicating well with businesspeople in a South American country of your choice. (Remember that South America is a continent, not a country).
b. Assist the executive from your chosen country in adjusting and communicating well with the female manager from India.
You may include areas as simple as basic etiquette in that culture to more sophisticated elements of business communication and business relationships.
I also need this:
a) A knowledge of the role of India in world business today (BRICS, what is that?)
b) The role of Indian Women in the executive world of India
c) The South American executive: There is no country called South America. You have to chose the country.
1. Both Woman (the Indian person) and man (from the country you chose), are of the same rank (VPs of subsidiaries of an American MNC). He cannot try to impress her with his title, but then she can't either.
2. They both speak English
3. She is visiting the South American Country.
4. Points distribution:
Explain what does the Indian business woman need to know about the male executive of this South American Country (name the country)
Explain what does the executive of this South American Country (name the country) need to know about the female Indian Executive? How you develop a plan?
Keep in mind that the most popular databases are: ABI Inform Global, Academic Search Premier, and Business Source Premier.