Reference no: EM133770998 , Length: word count:2000
Interprofessional Meeting Analysis
Communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are critical to delivering high quality and safe patient care (AACN, 2008, p.3)
Assignment Overview
This assignment is designed to incorporate course terms and concepts of psychosocial and interprofessional communication and interprofessional collaboration from the course to analyze an interprofessional meeting that you will attend (you may attend virtually or in person). The focus of this observation is communication styles including verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal, behaviors, and collaboration techniques within interprofessional groups.
The meeting should include nursing and other professions ( min 3 professions other than nursing). The meeting should and be in an area outside of your unit /floor/ current work environment) if this is not possible it must be a committee or meeting that you do not already participate in.
If an in person or virtual meetings at your work is not available you may choose a pre-recorded meeting that meets the assignment criteria: you must include the professions in attendance, the URL for the meeting, and it must be a current meeting (no older than 1 year). Websites that are great resources are: any State Health Department, National Institutes of Health, and the World Health Organization.
Some suggested meetings: Root Cause Analysis, Case Meetings, Dietary planning, Multitherapy meetings, Interdisciplinary discharge, or committees such as falls, infection, skin, leadership, magnate, education, or products. These are just a few examples. Ensure you receive permission from your instructor prior to attending the meeting. Daily huddle, bedside rounds, and grand rounds are not an acceptable meeting.
Following the instructions and the rubric you will write an analysis that applies detailed synthesis regarding interprofessional communication and collaboration and incorporates course learning and concepts to evaluate your chosen meeting. There should be discussion of IPEC collaboration and communication goals and alignment with interprofessional communication within the meeting you attend.
You should include a minimum of 8 in text citations(paraphrased) in your analysis with appropriate references. You may use course texts and articles as your citations and peer reviewed articles retrieved from the MAV Library with DOI # linked . No internet sources are accepted in the course.
The analysis should include a title page, be written in APA 7th ed. format, Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced, include a reference page and be no more than 10 pages.
Instructions: Review the detailed instructions below. Next, review the rubric and incorporate it as a skeletal outline for the meeting you attend.
For privacy please do not list facility names or members names. Example: Please use a general description of the facility: a large urban hospital that has 250 beds and employs 600 staff. Use committee members and meeting attendees' initials and title: Dr. JR, Medical Director/meeting chair.
Concepts and items to evaluate/include in the analysis:
Committee Name, date of meeting, number of members, problems addressed in the committee/committee purpose: include if there is a meeting agenda and/ or how the purpose of the meeting communicated, are there minutes and if past minutes are reviewed.
Hierarchical structure of the committee. The leader's role within the committee, are roles elected, term, etc.
Professions in the committee: what professions are in attendance and what are their roles
Communication styles within the committee: Address these 3 styles: verbal, paraverbal, non-verbal. Include course terms : passive, assertive, aggressive, open, angry, respectful, honest, closed and other terms that may apply to all course learning.
Perceived Barriers to the communication within the committee with explanation.
Behaviors demonstrated within the committee and their impact on effective message transmission. Some suggestions: Silence, Open-ended questions, Distance reduction, Restating and Clarification, Focusing, Summarizing, Collaboration, Honesty, Genuineness, Respect, Empathy: include a summary of observations that support your statements
Process to move ideas forward: formal or informal? Consensus? Voting? Does there need to be more than the committee's approval: Leadership, budgetary, etc.
Perceived stage of the committee and explanation why you believe they are in the stage chosen: forming, storming, norming, preforming, adjourning
Discussion: Provide observations/suggestions that might have made the meeting more collaborative or could be improved upon within the team and support with evidence from the course learning. Did the meeting provide insight into successful problem solving? Why or why not? What surprised you most about the meeting? Discuss nursing's interactions within the meeting. What would you do as a nurse if you were in attendance to demonstrate professional nursing practice and standards? Include analysis and synthesis of alignment or non-alignment with IPEC collaboration/communication learning and goals with paraphrased citation and reference.
Conclusion: Did the meeting you attended align with concepts from the course regarding interprofessional collaboration and communication: why or why not? Discuss what you learned and your takeaway about interprofessional team, communication, and collaboration from this experience.