Communicating company brand to global markets

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Reference no: EM133340431


Visit the websites of the following companies and review their approach to promoting their products and services to global markets:

- General Motors

- Airbnb

- Marriott International

- Discuss any elements that you believe are effective at communicating the company's brand to global markets. What does the website tell you about the company's approach to global marketing?

- You might also consider comparing the global marketing efforts of two of these companies.

Reference no: EM133340431

Questions Cloud

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Takeover unbelievable diversification : BUS 4795 Central State University What is it called when a company enters an industry that lacks any important similarities with the company's existing industry
Communicating company brand to global markets : Discuss any elements that you believe are effective at communicating the company's brand to global markets.
Why mutation can lead to cell cycle becoming out of control : Start your discussion post with a summary paragraph on the major groups of genes that when mutated can cause cancer, and include the types of mutations
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Global marketing presence of mcdonalds : The chapter describes the global marketing presence of McDonalds, IKEA, and Amazon.


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