Communicating change management to employees

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133442826

Question 1

Identify the option which describes the BEST way of communicating change management to employees. (i) Communicate directly to supervisors; (ii) Communicate through memos and e-mails; (iii) Communicate relative performance; (iv) Report them to HR. Choose the option with the correct response.

a. (i); (iii)

b. (iv) only

c. (ii); (iii)

d. (i); (iv)

Question 2

Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?

a. Assessment makes training department more accountable

b. Increased overtime working

c. Higher training costs

d. Loss of business

Question 3

Identify the option that is NOT a constituency on the structure and functioning of NEDLAC.

a. Government

b. The organisation

c. Labour

d. Business

Question 4

__________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

a. Education

b. All of the given options

c. Development

d. Training

Question 5

Which one of the following is not the element of quality of work life?

a. Safe and healthy condition

b. Authority to do things your way

c. Legalised labour relations

d. Sufficient and fair compensation

Question 6

________is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information he needs to settle down and start the work.

a. Induction

b. Profiling

c. Absenteeism

d. Placement

Question 7

A planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behaviour through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities is referred to as ____

a. moulding

b. testing

c. tutoring

d. training

Question 8

Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

a. Helps people identify with organisational goals

b. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination

c. None of the given options

d. Improves morale

Question 9

The following training aims to provide broad training to enable the trainee to take up a wide variety of tasks within his field of specialisation

a. All of the given options

b. Apprenticeship

c. On-the-job training

d. Demonstration

Question 10

Responding to employees and involving them in decision making is referred to as_____.

a. Autonomy

b. Pre-action

c. Empowerment

d. Quality of work life

Question 11

Identify the element which is so essential in the cycle of improvements

a. Need for improvement

b. Individual and process group responsibilities

c. Programmed learning

d. Define training objectives

Question 12

Which of the given answers is a reason for employees NOT joining a union.

a. The travel time to union branches

b. Family responsibility

c. Employer intimidation

d. Economies of scale

Question 13

Identify the option that is NOT a characteristic of a trade union.

a. Common goals

b. Voluntary association

c. Intermediary

d. Individual actions

Question 14

The following is (are) the benefit(s) of training.

a. Reduced accidents

b. Increased productivity

c. Reduced supervision

d. All of the given options

Question 15

Training is more likely to be seen as a cost by those organizations employing what type of workers?

a. Those employed in Japanese companies

b. Those employing higher skilled employees

c. Industries employing low skilled workers

d. Those working in the motor industries

Question 16

Which of the following is a learning principle?

a. Transfer of learning

b. All of the given options

c. Recognition of individual differences

d. Schedules of learning

Question 17

Number of people needed to register a trade union

a. six

b. seven

c. eight

d. ten

Question 18

Identify the option which is NOT an element to job satisfaction.

a. Learning opportunities

b. Freedom to work in one's own way

c. Nepotism

d. Suggesting new ways

Question 19

The technique that is used to analyse, describe, display any process clearly, accurately and concisely is referred to as __________.

a. organisational structure

b. process flowcharting

c. fish bone technique

d. procedure charting

Question 20

Identify the option that DOES NOT determines the quality of work life.

a. Unsafe and unhealthy work conditions

b. Sufficient and fair compensation

c. Security and continued growth

d. Development of human resources

Question 21

Identify elements that create a negative QWL: I. Action designed to make work more intrinsically rewarding; II. Increase job dissatisfaction; III. Decreasing positive aspects of the job; IV. Initiatives directed at making the work environment boring; V. Job rotation and job enlargement

a. II, III, IV

b. I, II, V

c. I, II, III

d. III, IV, V

Question 22

______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

a. Training & development

b. Wage revision

c. Job design

d. All of the given options

Question 23

________The degree to which a job or a position can meet the career anchor needs of individuals at various stages of career development.

a. Quality of Work Life(QWL)

b. Quality Improvement Team(QIT)

c. Quality Circle

d. Process Quality Teams(PQT)

Question 24

Majority of the disputes in industries is (are) related to the problem of -____________.

a. All of the given options

b. Salaries

c. Wages

d. Benefits

Question 25

Education and training are complementary and both involved __________ of talent and potential.

a. Suppressment

b. Training

c. Development

d. Management

Reference no: EM133442826

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