Communicate your findings to stakeholders

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Reference no: EM133131885

Assessment Description

An essential part of doing a research study is communicating and identifying ways to disseminate findings.

Refer to the Topic 4 assignment "Benchmark - Research Design," as well as the additional assignments associated with the experiment.

Design a method by which to communicate your findings to stakeholders. This may be in any of the following formats, as appropriate to the field/industry: screencast presentation, organizational memo, report, press release, brief, publication, or summary. Note: Additional formats can be used if approved by the instructor.

Within the communication, address the following:

1. A high-level overview

2. Translation of the findings with visuals

3. Recommendations

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Attachment:- Research Design.rar

Reference no: EM133131885

Questions Cloud

What is thomas approximate annual gasoline cost : If Thomas drives 13400 miles in a year and the average cost of a gallon of gasoline is $4.00, what is Thomas's approximate annual gasoline cost
Distinguish between vulnerability-threat and control : Distinguish between vulnerability, threat, and control. List three reasons people might be reluctant to use bio-metrics for authentication.
Covert action from clandestine operation : Review historical examples of covert action and clandestine operations in the text. Discuss what distinguishes a covert action from a clandestine operation
Objectives can be regarded as destination for a company : 1. Expanding its product base is a good example of a goal for a company
Communicate your findings to stakeholders : Communicating and identifying ways to disseminate findings - Design a method by which to communicate your findings to stakeholders
Direct government intervention : Using real world examples, evaluate the argument that public access resources are best served by direct government intervention.
Tarnished in view of community : The reputation of law enforcement in general is now tarnished in the view of the community.
Describe the two faces of development in brazil : 1. Describe the two faces of development in Brazil. Why is Brazil cited as a country that experienced growth without development?
Legal ramification of police misconduct : The next legal ramification of police misconduct is asking person/ persons to resign in the public interest.


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