Reference no: EM133664915 , Length: word count:1000
Public Health Strategies
Learning Outcome 1: Communicate technical information about communicable diseases to a range of stakeholders
Assignment outline
This task requires you to write a media release, to brief the public about a communicable disease threat, based on a fictitious scenario. You have a choice of three disease topics. Choose one disease topic from the following list to use for the completion of this assignment.
- Hendra virus infection
- Anthrax
- Legionnaire's disease
- Pertussis
The brief fictitious scenarios surrounding each disease are provided below:
Department of Health reports sixth Hendra virus infection cases of 2023
The New South Wales Health Department reports six NSW residents have been diagnosed with Hendra virus infections since the beginning of 2023. On average, three or four people are typically diagnosed with Hendra virus infection over the course of a year in NSW. These individuals resided in Murrurundi, Singleton, and Merriwa localities. Two patients have died; the four surviving patients were all hospitalized and required oxygen or intensive care before being able to return home.
Anthrax Outbreak in Sinazongwe District, Zambia, 2023
On 1 November 2023, the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point of Zambia notified WHO of an anthrax outbreak in humans. The first human cases were reported from the Dengeza Health Post in the Sinazongwe District of the Southern Province on 5 May 2023. Around the same time period, domestic (cattle and goats) and wild animals (hippopotami) were reportedly dying from an unknown cause in the surrounding areas. In June 2023, human and animal cases were reported in the Kanchindu and Siameja veterinary camps of Sinazongwe District. Twenty-six human cases developed sores on their face, arms, and fingers after consuming meat from three wild hippopotamus carcasses. The first human case was reported on 16 June 2023 and laboratory confirmed by culture at the Lusaka Central Veterinary Research Institute (CVRI). As of 20 November 2023, 684 suspected human cases, including four deaths, a Case Fatality Ratio (CFR)of 0.6%, were reported from 44 out of 116 districts in nine of Zambia's 10 provinces.
Legionnaire's disease outbreak in Victoria, 2023
The Department of Health has identified an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease involving three cases who have spent time in Cheltenham and the surrounding suburbs. Cases had symptoms commencing in early to mid-May 2023 and have received treatment in hospital. Investigations are underway to identify the source of the outbreak through testing local cooling towers and other potential sources.
Outbreak of Pertussis in Australia, 2023
Between 1 January and 31 March 2023, 8,058 cases of pertussis were reported to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). Cases were reported from all states and territories, with the majority reported by New South Wales (n=5,265) and Queensland (n=1,187). The number of notifications for this quarter was 5.2 times more than in the same period in 2022 (n=1,554) and 4.8 times the 5 year-to-date mean for this quarter (1,677). The annualised notification rate for this quarter of 153 cases per 100,000 population was significantly higher than for the same period in 2022 (30 cases per 100,000 population, with a rate ratio of 5.1.
Step 1: Download the media release template provided in the Assessment 1 folder.
Step 2: Refer to the materials covered in Module 1 (topics 1-3) that will be relevant to this assessment.
You are also expected to supplement this information with information from other organisations.
Step 3: Write a media release about your selected disease scenario. The following information should be covered at some time in your media release:
- The name of the disease, and details on agent, transmission, symptoms, incubation period, and preventative measures
- Details of the current scenario that have led to this media release
- Pertinent information on why this is a communicable disease threat (short- and long-term health consequences of the disease)
- Quotes from relevant health authorities (the individual being ‘quoted' can be/will be fictitious) covering some or all the key details
- Where the public should go for more information
Assignment Criteria/Rubric
Refer to the marking rubric/criteria below
Word limit: 500 - 1000 (+/- 10%) excluding in-text and end- text references. 2 A4 pages Maximum length