Communicable diseases in a city health department

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM13988576

West Nile Virus

You are the director of communicable diseases in a city health department, responsible for a large urban community. It is early spring in 2003. For the past two years, your department has been working to control the spread of the West Nile Virus and you are pleased with the progress so far. This morning you read about a suspected outbreak of a new disease called SARS which is suspected to have killed dozens of people in Hong Kong. While West Nile Virus is carried by birds, especially crows, SARS is transmitted among people.

When you get to the office and check your email you learn that the World Health Organization has placed a number of East Asian cities off limits for all but essential travel. You also learn that Canada has reported deaths they believe are due to SARS. You are now confronted with addressing a new and virulent contagious disease.

  • Discuss the approach you would adopt in such a situation.

Reference no: EM13988576

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