Commonly utilized during the gaining access phase

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133490345


1. A _________ can get entrance illicitly to a framework in the event that the framework isn't as expected tried in filtering and getting entrance stage.

2. In which phase do the hackers install backdoors so that they can later retain ownership of the victim's system?

3. _______ is the instrument used in this manner.

4. Which of the accompanying hacking devices and methods programmers' don't use for keeping up with access in a framework?

5. In _______ stage, the programmers attempt to conceal their impressions.

6. Which of them isn't a track clearing strategy?

7. __________ is the final stage of the process of ethical hacking.

8. Which of the following is not a tool for looking for footprints?

9. In ethical hacking, which of the following occurs after the scanning phase?

10. The hacker uses system or network flaws in the __________ phase.

11. In the gaining access phase, which of the following is not carried out?

12. Which of the following tools for penetration testing is most commonly utilized during the gaining access phase?

Reference no: EM133490345

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