Common to perform loops that vary the loop control

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13164428

When using parallel arrays, if one array has many possible matches, it is most efficient to place the less common items first so that they are matched right away.

True or False

When you want to determine whether a variable holds one of many valid values, one option is to use a do...while loop to compare the variable to a series of valid values

True or False

When you create a class that uses an interface, you include the keyword extends

True or False

When an application contains an array and you want to use every element of the array in some task, it is common to perform loops that vary the loop control variable from 0 to one less than the size of the array.

True or False

You can declare an array variable by placing curly brackets after the array name.

True or False

Abstract classes and interfaces are similar in that you cannot instantiate concrete objects from either one.

True or False

Reference no: EM13164428

Questions Cloud

State some bacteria are able to harvest infrared light of : Some bacteria are able to harvest infrared light of ? ~ 1000 nm. What is the maximum number of 1000 nm photons needed to form one ATP from ADP and Pi
Calculate the mass of nitrogen dissolved : Calculate the mass of nitrogen dissolved at room temperature in an 80.0 {rm L} home aquarium. Assume a total pressure of 1.0 {rm atm} and a mole fraction for nitrogen of 0.78.
State what is the energy of a mole photons : Some bacteria are able to harvest 1000-nm light. What is the energy (in kilocalories or kilojoules) of a mole (also called an einstein) of 1000-nm photons?
Revaluation adjustments on acquisition : Revaluation adjustments on acquisition are to be made on consolidation only, not in the books of  any subsidiary and non-controlling interests are measured at the proportionate share of a subsidiary's identifiable net assets
Common to perform loops that vary the loop control : When an application contains an array and you want to use every element of the array in some task, it is common to perform loops that vary the loop control variable from 0 to one less than the size of the array.
State the surface can modeled as an infinite potential wall : A hydrogen molecule in it's ground vibrational state with KE=10eV coollides with heavy atom metal surface and no energy is transferred to the surface. The surface can be modeled as an infinite potential wall.
What is the density of li2s in grams : The crystal structure of lithium sulfide Li2S is pictured here. The edge length of the unit cell is 5.88*10^2pm. What is the density of Li2S in grams per cubic centimeter?
State the heat capacity of the empty calorimeter : A 3.9-g sample of Colorado oil shale is burned in a bomb calorimeter, which causes the temperature of the calorimeter to increase by 5.0°C. The calorimeter contains 1.00 kg of water (heat capacity of H2O = 4.184 J/g°C) and the heat capacity of the..
Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution : Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution that contains 0.042 g of a hydrocarbon solute (molar mass = 340 g/mol) dissolved in benzene to make a 350-mL solution. The temperature is 20.0°C.


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