Common miscommunications between men and women

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Reference no: EM132169181 , Length: word count : 2100


Write a 2,100- to 2,450-word paper in which you consider specific types of communication, common miscommunications among genders, and effective communication strategies. Address the following questions:

What type of verbal and nonverbal communication do men and women use? Is verbal and nonverbal communication different among genders?

What are common miscommunications between men and women? What are the causes? Provide specific examples of dialogue among genders.

Describe a situation in which you experienced or observed miscommunication among genders. What specific things did you recognize as ineffective tools of communication? What communication strategies could solve this situation? Why are they effective?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132169181

Questions Cloud

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Common miscommunications between men and women : What type of verbal and nonverbal communication do men and women use? Is verbal and nonverbal communication different among genders?
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