Common methods used for the selection process

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Reference no: EM133254861


1. What are the three (3) most common methods used for the selection process once applications have been received recruitment process?

2. Provide one (1) advantage for each of the following common approaches to recruitment and selection-

a. Assessment Centres

b. Internal Recruitment and Selection

c.External Recruitment and selection

3. What are the fifteen (15) Except for the obvious inclusions of the selected Candidate's Name and provision for Signatures, outline below the other thirteen (13) the key components of contracts of employment as explained by Precision Group.

4. Outline the five (5) steps to follow when assessing technology options available in the market for recruitment and selection.


a. One of the technology application available for recruitment and selection of candidates is psychometric testing programs. What is the purpose of psychometric testing?

b. What are the four (4) key features of psychometric tests for recruitment and selection of candidates?


a. Another technology application available for recruitment and selection of candidates is skills testing. What is the purpose of skill testing for recruitment and selection of candidates?

b. List the four (4) the key features of skill tests for recruitment and selection of candidates?

17. In addition to psychometric testing and skills testing which are covered in the preceding questions, , outline two (2) other commonly used technology applications in recruitment.

Reference no: EM133254861

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