Common challenges presented by green

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Reference no: EM131559492

a) According to Stenzel in Chapter 4, under the section titled "Common Challenges Presented by Green", building a financially sound business case is one of the five challenges of going "Green". From the many readings this week, what are the top three "low hanging" fruits that are sure to reap financial benefits for the company? Be sure to cite the source(s) to support your top three Green IT projects that are financially sound.

b) Search the Internet for sources of funding for Green IT projects. Describe the funding. Be specific (whether it be a tax rebate, a grant, loan programs etc.) so that others who are interested may use this as a resource. Be sure to include a link to the source of funding. 

Stenzel, J. (2011). Chapter 4 Leading with Green: R. Batancourt and A. Farrell Discuss Green IT. In Stenzel, J. (Ed.) CIO Best Practices: Enabling Strategic Value with Information Technology (1-40). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Reference no: EM131559492

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