Reference no: EM132255067
Draw ERD for each of the following situation:
1. A used car can be identified by make, model, year of manufacturing, and price. Often customers can purchase at least one used car from the dealer, but they could buy as many as they want. A used car, however, can be owned by only one customer. For each customer, name, address, and phone number are recorded. When a customer buys a used car, monthly payment and total balance of that transaction are stored in the database. For each used car, there will be only one salesperson actively sell the car. Salesperson is identified by name, phone number, and email address. For each car sale, salesperson will receive 30% commission rate based on the value of the car sale.
2. Doctor is identified by name, address, specialty, and experience. Nurse is identified by name, address, and number of working years. Patient(s) often receive multiple treatments from multiple doctors. When patient receive treatment from doctor, a patient record will be recorded. Patient is identified by patient id, name, and phone number. A patient record is identified by bill and diagnose. For each patient record, only one nurse is assigned to take care the record. However, multiple nurse(s) can work under one doctor
Seizure of air ruidoso plane to satisfy the debt
: What two methods discussed in this chapter would allow the court to order the seizure of Air Ruidoso’s plane to satisfy the debt?
Write detailed binary calculation steps
: Use this method to solve the following binary division, make sure to write detailed BINARY calculation steps:
How much did ayayai pay for the bonds
: On January 1, 2017, Ayayai Corporation purchased 333 of the $1,000 face value, How much did Ayayai pay for the bonds
Show the mapping list of binary
: Convert the number 1101 0011 1011(2) directly from binary to hexadecimal. Show the mapping list of binary (from 0000 to 1111) to hex numbers.
Commission rate based on the value of the car sale
: For each car sale, salesperson will receive 30% commission rate based on the value of the car sale.
Objectives for your dissertation project
: Identify the functional, structural, and resources requirements which will be used later on as objectives for your dissertation project
Discuss the role of code in contemporary life
: Discuss the role of code in contemporary life, paying attention to its intangibility, its ubiquity, and its hidden nature.
How much should ayayai record as the cost of the machine
: Assuming that a prevailing interest rate of 6% applies to this contract, how much should Ayayai record as the cost of the machine
Determine the impact of the companys mission
: Consider the corporation you have selected to use in your first three assignments. Identify one of the firm's major competitors that you would consider working.