Commercial cost estimating software

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13884201

Using the data on equipment costs given in this chapter or commercial cost estimating software, estimate the cost of the following equipment:

a. A shell and tube heat exchanger, heat transfer area 50 m2, floating head type, carbon steel shell, stainless steel tubes, operating pressure 25 bar

b. A kettle rebuilder, heat transfer area 25 m2 , carbon steel shell and tubes, operating pressure 10 bar c. A horizontal, cylindrical, storage tank, 3 m diameter, 12 m long, used for liquid chlorine at 10 bar, material carbon steel

d. A plate column, diameter 2 m, height 25 m, stainless clad vessel, 20 stainless steel sieve plates, operating pressure 5 bar

Reference no: EM13884201

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