Reference no: EM13561487
You need to compare measured and predicted deflections for the three situations described below. Comment on reasons for the differences between the predicted and measured values. Recall that E = 69 GN/m2, rho = 2700 kg/m3, and the beam cross-section is a rectangle with dimensions of 3 mm x 19 mm.
On three separate plots, for the three loading conditions described below, plot two curves: (1) the deflected shape from x = 0 to x = L as predicted by beam theory and (2) the measured deflected shape for the considered measurement locations. Comment on reasons for the differences between the predicted and measured values.
There were some problems with the measured values for the fixed-fixed loading condition. First, there was a 0.3 mm differential between the fixed ends and, second, at least one of the boundary conditions was imposing a non-zero rotation of the beam, causing upward deflections. As a way of sidestepping these issues, the measurements provided above are the difference between the measurements under self-weight plus 50 g load at x = 300 mm and the measurements under self-weight only. By principle of superposition, the difference is the deflection under only a 50 g load at x = 300 mm.
Note that a fixed-fixed beam is an indeterminate structure. Since we have not yet covered analysis of indeterminate structures, solutions for the moment and shear distribution of a fixed-fixed beam under a concentrated load are provided below.
Specify the horsepwoer of the fan motor
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: The pressuregradient is 60 kPa/m, and is negative. Compute the velocityat various points across the channel and show the results on aplot. Assume laminar flow.
Comment on reasons for the differences between the predicted
: You need to compare measured and predicted deflections for the three situations described below. Comment on reasons for the differences between the predicted and measured values. Recall that E = 69 GN/m2, rho = 2700 kg/m3, and the beam cross-section ..
Determine how many micro grams per second are lost
: If a person on a diet losses 1.710 Kg in a week. Ignoring thesmall contribution that leap year adds to each week, determine how many micro grams per second are lost
: John, C.H. &Pouder, R.W. (2001). Change drivers in the new millennium: implications for manufacturing strategy research. Journal of Operations Management, 19, pp. 143-160.
Determine the elevation vs. surface area relationship
: Determine the elevation vs. surface area relationship for the vault and use this information to calculate and graph the elevation-storage relationship. Use the average end area method.
What is her speed
: Your cat "Ms" (mass 7.00kg) is trying to make it to the top ofa frictionaless ramp 2.00 m long and inclined upward at 30 degreesabove the horizontal. what is her speed when she reaches the top of the incline