Reference no: EM133273403
Assignment - PepsiCos Marketing Ability Discussion
Description - After reading the PepsiCo, Inc. Form 10-K Annual Report For the Fiscal Year Ended December 25, 2021, provide answers to these questions
1. How would you access PepsiCo's marketing ability in relation to the products it offers to the market? Enough, not enough, is there room to improve value creation in this area?
2. How would you access PepsiCo's use of promotions? Enough, not enough, is there something that could improve value creation in this area?
3. What can you say about pricing? Too high, too low, is there a value capturing opportunity here?
4. Comment on PepsiCo's placement/distribution. Are the customers and other stakeholders getting what they need? Any room for improvement?
5. Turning to supply chain topics, is there something that PepsiCo could do differently in its procurement of materials and ingredients that would add value?
6. The readings mention some risks and areas of concern in relation to packaging and containerization. Is there room for value creation here?
7. Manufacturing, logistics, and transportation were discussed. Is there a modification here that would increase value?
8. Turning to financial matters. Which divisions have the higher return on asset numbers? Is there value adding opportunities in these higher return divisions?
9. Are sales at the different divisions growing equally or are there some divisions that are having more difficulty with growth? Are there things that can be done to increase growth in the slower growing divisions or to increase margins at the faster growing divisions?
10. Is PepsiCo investing equally in each of the divisions as measured by the capital investment to sales? Are there projects that should be funded that would increase value?
Based on the answers provide a 500-word response each for these two questions
1. What is PepsiCo's value creation process?
2. What is PepsiCo doing to create value for its customers, employees, stakeholders?