Combination of monetary and fiscal policy

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM136999

Q1. "Soft Selling" and Adverse Selection soft selling occurs when a buyer is skeptical of the quality or usefulness of a product or service. For example, suppose you're trying to sell a company a new accounting system that will reduce costs by 10%. Instead of asking for a price, you offer to give them the product in exchange for 50% of their cost savings. Describe the information symmetry, the adverse selection problem, and why soft selling is a successful signal.

Q2. A small open economy with a floating exchange rate is in recession with balanced trade. If policymakers want to reach full employment while maintaining balanced trade, what combination of monetary and fiscal policy should they use?

Reference no: EM136999

Questions Cloud

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Combination of monetary and fiscal policy : If policymakers want to reach full employment while maintaining balanced trade, what combination of monetary and fiscal policy should they use.
Suppose a uniform nucleotide distribution in the genome : What is the relationship between an increase in light intensity and photosynthetic rate in leaves from a corn plant? How does this association compare with what you observed for tomato plants.
Sales manager of an appliance store : Nevertheless your total unit sales have increased over this period. Assuming rational buyers and no deceptive advertising, how can you account for this.
How politics played a role in the discovery of dna structure : Some times in the movie, politics of science were discussed. Explain how politics played a role in the discovery of DNA structure. Do you think the science of today is more or less political than it was during the 1950s? Examine one instance of moder..
Economic plan for our economy : What do you think he would suggest as an economic plan for our economy. Would they agree or disagree with the current policies.


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