Reference no: EM133334934
The Army Health System (AHS) is a component of the Military Health System (MHS) that is responsible for operational management of the Health Service Support (HSS) and Force Health Protection (FHP) missions for training, predeployment, deployment, and post-deployment operations. AHS includes all mission support services performed, provided, or arranged by the Army Medicine to support HSS and FHP mission requirements for the Army and as directed, for joint, intergovernmental agencies, coalition, and multinational forces (FM 4-02)
Assignment Expectations: The AHS is a complex system of systems that is interrelated and interdependent and must be meticulously and continuously synchronized to reduce morbidity and mortality and to maximize patient outcome. The systems which comprise the AHS are divided into ten medical functions which align with medical disciplines and scientific knowledge.
1. In your own words and describe the main purpose of FHP and HSS missions. Describe the purpose of the medical functions Combat and Operational Stress Control and Medical Evacuation. Your assignment will be no more than two pages written in APA 7th Edition Format: One reference and one matching In-text citation.
2. To clearly delineate which medical functions are grouped under which warfighting function, the Army is aligning with the joint Services (according to JP 4-02) in grouping these ten medical functions. In this assignment, identify the category (FHP, HSS, or Both) of each Medical Function.