COM7003 Technology and Trend Monitoring Assignment

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Reference no: EM132508084 , Length: word count:5000

COM7003 Technology and Trend Monitoring - Arden University

Management Report

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Technology and Trend Monitoring management report. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcome 1. Critically evaluate the emerging technological trends and identify potential challenges and open areas of research.

Learning Outcome 2. Analyse the impact of the existing and emerging technologies on future trends in the above areas.

Learning Outcome 3. Critically review the existing literature and form an independent opinion.

Learning Outcome 4. Demonstrate the ability to conduct independent research and synthesize literature from wide array of sources.

Learning Outcome 5. Acquire a technical understanding of the emerging technological advancements covering IT systems, Communication technologies and Cyber-Security.

Learning Outcome 6. Demonstrate clear understanding of technological advancement and suggest solution approaches to existing challenges.

Learning Outcome 7. Graduate Attribute - Reflective Practitioner

Undertake critical analysis and reach reasoned and evidenced decisions, contribute problem-solving skills to find and innovate in solutions

Problem Task

The ever-evolving information communication technologies together with innovative services and applications are shaping the society of the future. Internet of Things, Software-Defined Networks, 5G mobile communication technologies, transformation of enterprise systems into cloud-based systems and other emerging trends are bringing about a paradigm shift to the functional and operational aspects of ICT overall.

In this context, you are expected to write an industry-style report on the current and emerging technologies related to your selected topic on IT Systems that is enabling the connected future. The report should address the following questions:

Question 1. As a reflective practitioner, you will write an abstract for an academic paper or an executive summary for a business report. This summary states your starting proposition. (500 words)

Question 2. Conduct independent research and synthesise literature from wide array of sources on your selected IT systems topic. This research should include related theory and practice or technical focus. There should be no less than 3 sources. The media should include electronic references e.g. iLEARN eLibrary publications, Google Scholar, etc. that are current. Additionally, up-to-the-minute sources should be used e.g. news feeds, government regulations. (1000 words)

Question 3. Once the research data has been collected a critical review of the existing literature conducted to form an independent opinion. Data triangulation highlights the issues and identifies strengths and weaknesses related to the topics. (1000 words)

Question 4. The next stage of the analysis is to critically evaluate the emerging technological trends and identify potential challenges. Open areas of research should be addressed in this section by synthesizing (combining your knowledge trends to work towards predictions) ideas generated by the analysis. (1000 words)

Question 5. Impact analysis of the existing and emerging technologies on future trends is the focus of this section. Related technology can be integrated into the argument from topics such as:

• Communication technology e.g. long-range LTE and 5G and / or short-range NFC and ZigBee
• Cyber security e.g. Biometrics, homomorphic encryption
• Big Data and Analytics
• Internet of Things
• Augmented Reality
• Cloud Computing E.g. Distributed and Utility Computing

(1000 words)

Question 6. Summary Discussion - Through a demonstration of clear understanding of technological advancement, suggested solution(s) and / or approaches to existing challenges are presented and linked to the threads of the arguments presented in previous sections. Predictions developed through the secondary research literature review analysis, trend and impact review can be offered with conclusions and recommendations.

(500 words)

References - The answers, claims or conclusions put forward in each section of this report or academic paper must be supported by evidence in the form of Harvard references or a real-world example (case study) that can be verified. Document format, spelling and grammar check must be done.

Attachment:- Technology and Trend Monitoring.rar

Reference no: EM132508084

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the notion of organisational culture : Discuss the notion of organisational culture and its significance in the development and use of information systems in organisations.
COM7003 Technology and Trend Monitoring Assignment : COM7003 Technology and Trend Monitoring Assignment Help and Solution, Arden University - Assessment Writing Service - Critically review the existing literature
Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning : Teamwork-to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal
How should Disney different entertainment areas be managed : If you were the CEO of Disney, what would you do? how should Disney's different entertainment areas be managed? Should there be one grand strategy.
Does art even have to be enjoyable : Describe how we come to enjoy in art what in other contexts would merely be ugly, terrible, horrible or even disgusting? Does art even have to be enjoyable
Why is court reluctant to extend in personam jurisdiction : Why is the court reluctant to extend in personam jurisdiction whenever a firm with online presence offers to make a sale of products in the state in question


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