Com200 interpersonal communication

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131263966 , Length: 1950 Words

Write a Reflection paper  on Interpersonal Communications, your paper must include 1800-2000 Words count with minimum of 3 references in End.

Words Limit: 1800-2000

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Interpersonal communication is one of the very vital resource for the survival of the human beings. Communication do play a key role in establishing the image of a person, their self-concept, and self-appraisal. Interpersonal communication is a multifaceted tool and the usage of the same is accordingly diverse and can be employed for a range of requirements. The current research article is focused on to emphasize the basic principles and barriers of the interpersonal communication. The general implications of the same are presented in the first part of the essay. In the later parts, there is focus on the self-image, self-concept and the communication traits of the people. Also, the strategies of using interpersonal communication for resolving conflicts and the impact of gender and cultural differences in interpersonal communication are appropriately presented...

Reference no: EM131263966

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