Collude to produce the monopoly output

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM138889

Q1. a. Distinguish between monetary policy instruments and monetary policy tools.

b. Describe any two key tools of monetary policy, and describe how they would be used to implement expansionary monetary policy.

Q2. Suppose that two firms compete in quantities (cournot) in a market in which demand is described by: P=260 -2Q. Each firm incurs no fixed cost but has a marginal cost of 20.

a. What is the one-period Nash equilibrium market price? What is the output and profit of each firm in this equilibrium?

b. What is the output of each firm if they collude to produce the monopoly output? What profit does each firm earn with such collusion?

Reference no: EM138889

Questions Cloud

Piece of commercial real estate : Then you inherited a piece of commercial real estate bringing in $12,000 in rent annually.
Equilibrium level of output in this economy : what is the short run equilibrium level of output in this economy.
Has a registered trademark : A firm has developed a new product for which it has a registered trademark.
Collude to produce the monopoly output : What is the output of each firm if they collude to produce the monopoly output. What profit does each firm earn with such collusion.
Result of deaths from secondhand smoke : How much output is lost as a result of deaths from secondhand smoke, according to the news.
Character of demand is elastic : How to calculate the elasticity coefficient between each of the seven prices and indicate whether the character of demand is Elastic.


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