Reference no: EM133271840
Comparative Strategy Analysis:
Each participant will compare and evaluate two national security strategies, using the College Strategy Framework and other theoretical tools introduced in the course. Participants will have a choice of national security strategy documents.
The analytical essay should identify the principal components of each strategy, and compare the two strategies in terms of the threats, challenges and opportunities they identify, as well as the courses of action they propose to address them. The essay should use the College Framework as well as insights from other theories discussed in the course to evaluate both documents in terms of their coherence and viability. The essay will be 2000-2500 words in length, not including references. The essay is to be submitted by 14:00 on Monday 14 November 2022. The assignment constitutes 40% of the final grade.
Academic Writing Template: A Suggested Approach Writing is a process. Be systematic. (A four-word sentence and then a two-word sentence - is that significant?) It is essential to showcase in your academic writing that you have read widely, and have understood the concepts and theories that you have encountered, which you then synthesize in your papers in your own words and properly referenced. Please do not let yourself be consumed by too much detail and background information.
As a working model, let us divide a paper comprising 2,000 - 2,500 words into descriptive vs analytical segments along these lines: Introduction [descriptive] interprets the question / problem; makes a thesis statement and lays out your approach / position: 10% of text ? 200 - 250 words Body paragraphs two / three and four (?) [descriptive] sets the context / gives background / defines terms / outlines your argument or focus of the paper / provides examples and evidence: 30% of text ? 600 - 750 words Body paragraphs five / six / seven / eight / nine (?) [analytical] gives your interpretation of your readings ; synthesizes or critiques the theories / models; it seeks to explain the rationale of the concepts that you have studied and cited ;
it shows that you have thought deeply about this subject and have something original / interesting / controversial (?) to add to the debate: 50% of text ? 1,000 - 1,250 words Conclusion [analytical] is the restatement that summarizes for emphasis what you have understood and established in this paper; it provides a convincing 'takeaway' for the reader: 10% of text ? 200 - 250 words We are not proposing a 'one size fits all' template, rather a reminder that to impress the reader, you need a balanced approach with essential background detail and exposition (40% of the paper) that you enhance by giving penetrating analysis (60% + of the paper).
This is the hallmark and standard that College expects of a graduate studies academic paper. please i will send the two country ( Russia & Denmark) Comparative Strategy
Attachment:- Comparative Strategy Analysis.rar