College curriculums related to mental health

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Reference no: EM133669796


1. Prior to this course, were you familiar with Kalief Browder's story? If yes, explain. If No, why do you think this horrific story may (or may not) have been widely publicized or used in college curriculums related to mental health?

2. How does Kalief Browder's story relate to the sociology of mental illness?

3. As a John Jay College and/or CUNY student, what changes do you recommend should be implemented (made) to improve mental health care to incarcerated individuals?

Reference no: EM133669796

Questions Cloud

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Differences between indian culture and the american culture : Discuss at least three differences between Indian culture and the American culture in health-related topics.
Provide ideas for future research : What does it say about the topic? Does it provide valuable information? Does it raise any new questions about the topic or provide ideas for future research?
College curriculums related to mental health : why do you think this horrific story may (or may not) have been widely publicized or used in college curriculums related to mental health?
Who holds the most gold medals for swimming : Who holds the most gold medals for swimming? How many countries joined the swimming Paralympics between 1990 and 2020?
Write an overview of your community demographics : Write an overview of your community demographics. Explanation of how these demographics affect the early development of children.
Prepare an in-depth analytical report : Strategic implications, challenges, and opportunities of these components in supporting business operations
Elizabeth is planning to speak at her university : Elizabeth is planning to speak at her university student council meeting because there has been an increase in vehicle break-ins recently.


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