Collection of scores (type int) for the last exam i

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13168163

After being given a collection of scores (type int) for the last exam in your computer course, you are to computer the average of the scores and assign grades (O, S, U i.e. Outstanding, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory)) to each student according to the following rules:


Outstanding: if the score is more than 10% above the average

Satisfactory: if the score is 10% within (above or below) the average

Unsatisfactory: if the score is more than 10% below the average


Read the following data from a file and then use them to test your program:


55 98 89 62 78 69 91 83 99 52


The output from the program should consist of a labeled two-column list that shows each score and its corresponding grade. Send the output to a file. You will need methods to read the data, to write the student data, to computer the mean score, and to assign a letter grade based on the exam score and the mean score. Use at least two difference classes to design the program, such as a Driver class and an AssignScore class.



Reference no: EM13168163

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