Reference no: EM133089294
Collecting and Analyzing the Data on Air Canada
Instructions and Requirements
In the research phase of your Learning Group Project, your group will consider the possible sources of information you will need to consider for preparing your report on AIR CANADA. It is important that you collect information from a variety of sources, including information from the organization, reports and articles from the popular press (like those most often found through Google), and academic sources, such as those found in monographs and juried articles in journals.
In this phase of the project, your group will collect information about AIR CANADA arrange it to explain how organization views its structure and how that structure supports its values and contributes to meeting its objectives. In this part, you will organize your research and data collected around the organizational design issues in order to explain how they help (or fail to help) your organization to be successful.
As you proceed, you may find that you need to modify your plan. If your group finds that they need to modify Part 2 or 3 of your Learning Group Project Plan, you should document those changes and include them in the deliverables.
In the analysis phase, assemble the data that you found around the organization theory and design issues that you identified as important for your organization. Discuss the actions taken by your organizations to ensure that the elements of design support organizational needs and objectives. For example, an organization might choose to manage its interdependencies with supplier organizations by setting up a common inventory system so that suppliers can deliver appropriate goods on a just-in-time basis. Your report for Part 3 will describe these actions, the organizational design issues involved, and their impact, hopefully positive, on the organization. Submit a group paper of 2000-2500 words, double spaced, 12-point font, excluding title page and references, that reports the analysis of the research data you have collected.
Report should include (Content, Tables and Chart, Introduction, Profile, Orgn. Chart, Environment, Span of control, Communications, Leadership, Inter-Organizational relationships, Manufacturing and Services technology, Life cycle, Organizational culture and Ethical Values, Decision Making, Innovation and Conclusion, References)
Evaluation and Feedback
Part 2: Collecting and Analyzing the Data will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to and their relative weights in the assignment overall.