Collaborative learning community

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Reference no: EM133195213

The Target Population is: VETERANS 

4th Slide - Why is this population at greater risk, describe risk factors

6th Slide - Barriers to help

7th Slide - How to eliminate barriers


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment using the following scenario:

As a group, you are serving as consultants to help create a suicide prevention program for an at-risk population. For your project, it is assumed you have an unlimited budget and have access to any resources you would like. A resource list has been provided within the Topic Resources; however, you are not limited to these resources.

Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 10 -12-slide, including title and reference slides. An optional outline has been provided. The presentation should address the following:

  1. Target Population: Select a target population (e.g., older individuals, individuals with economic problems, veterans, individuals with psychological disorders, LGBTQ, specific ethnic groups, prison populations, medical conditions, substance abuse, or individuals in public safety). Discuss demographics, general risk factors, and warning signs of suicide. Why is this population at greater risk? What are the specific issues or risk factors for this population?
  2. Identification: List ways the program will identify individuals or group most at risk for suicide (e.g., think beyond self-report surveys and consider including factors such as behavioral cues, psychophysiological measures, and brain scans). What are some ways the identification procedures can be implemented in the program so more at-risk individuals are identified?
  3. Barriers: What barriers exist for the chosen population. Who might need to seek help? (e.g., stigma, taboos, and shame). What can be done to eliminate these barriers? What role might faith and religion play (e.g., Christian Worldview)?
  4. Strategies: What strategies can be implemented to encourage individuals to reach out for help? What kind of public awareness/education strategies could be helpful?
  5. Prevention Plan: What is the plan to help individuals suffering from suicide ideation to prevent suicide? Are there established procedures that are helpful? Are there specific interventions that could be helpful for this population?

Follow the recommended guide for creating effective PowerPoint presentations in the Student Success Center.

You may use the optional outline provided for your PowerPoint presentation.

1st Slide - Title slide

2nd Slide - Objective Slide

3rd Slide - Introduction to target population

4th Slide - Why is this population at greater risk, describe risk factors

5th Slide - How will the program identify those at greater risk

6th Slide - Barriers to help

7th Slide - How to eliminate barriers

8th Slide - Specific strategies that might help

9th Slide - Culmination of the program

10th Slide - Reference slide

Use the GCU Library databases and include two to four scholarly sources from the GCU library to support your claims. In addition to the scholarly resources from the library, you can include classroom Topic Resources as well as your textbook as additional reference material.

Reference no: EM133195213

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