Collaboration is important part of supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13792722

Cohen and Roussel envision collaboration as an increasingly important part of supply chain management, and they provide models to help organizations become skilled in this essential area. For this discussion:

Review Table 4.2 and Figure 4.1 on pages 131-132 in your textbook, Strategic Supply Chain Management.

Evaluate your current or past organization's collaboration model using the collaboration models (Table 4.2) and the content in Chapter 4. Respond to the following questions:

Which of the models does your organization already perform well?

Which model(s) could your organization easily integrate into its current collaborative relationships? How?

Which model(s) would be nearly impossible to integrate into its current collaborative relationships? Why?

In order to make sure you will address all issues assigned in a discussion post, you should use assigned questions as section titles and then address them one-by-one.

Reference no: EM13792722

Questions Cloud

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Respond to the scenario with your thoughts : Respond to the scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.
Collaboration is important part of supply chain management : Cohen and Roussel envision collaboration as an increasingly important part of supply chain management,
Explain in detail how the five crisis planning issues : Choose a company with which you are familiar and identify three important issues facing that company. Explain in detail why these issues are important.
Differences between science and science fiction : Describe what happens to the total amount of energy during the situation (increase, decrease, stay the same) .
Ensure that many sources exist : A good research proposal helps keep research on track. It should be broad enough to allow flexibility in following sources and to ensure that many sources exist.
Describe lenovo end-to-end supply chain performance : What metrics had Lenovo used to evaluate its end-to-end supply chain performance. What were Lenovo's dual operating models and how well did these two models work for its global supply chain


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