Cognitive impairment and loss of synapses in hippocampus

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133198481 , Length: 750 Words

Read: Hearing Loss as a Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairment and Loss of Synapses in the Hippocampus, prepare a thread that incorporates the following information:

Provide a brief overview of the main points and conclusions of the article. Only pertinent points should be stated - there is no need to include details of methods unless directly related to a main conclusion. Every result does not need to be included, if not pertinent to the thrust of your discussion. However, there must be sufficient explanation to demonstrate an understanding of the paper. Simply summarizing the abstract is not acceptable.

What is the main novelty of this article? Why are the results novel? What was previously known, and how do the results expand on previous knowledge? Why are these results an addition to the current field? Do they clarify something that was previously unknown? This section MUST incorporate outside research and not just recapitulate the authors' discussion.

What is/are the outstanding question(s) stemming from this article? This section MUST incorporate outside research that puts the current study in perspective of the field. It must go beyond the discussion of the current article being reviewed, and not just summarize their discussion points. Based on the main novelty of the article, what is the next step? What missing information still needs to be researched? Make sure you focus your discussion of outstanding questions around the main novel results.

Attachment:- Behavioural Brain Research.rar

Reference no: EM133198481

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