Code a web page using php to display the data

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131259220

1. Code a Web page using PHP to display the data in ITEM. Add a hyperlink on the QACS Web page to access the page. Using your database, demonstrate that your page works.

2. Create a view named Sale_Item_Item_View that displays SALE.SaleID, SALE_ITEM. SaleItemID, SALE.SaleDate, ITEM.ItemDescription, and SALE_ITEM.ItemPrice. Code a Web page using PHP to display the data in Sale_Item_Item_View. Add a hyperlink to the QACS Web page to access the page. Using your database, demonstrate that your page works.

3. Code two HTML/PHP pages to add a new CUSTOMER to the QACS database. Create data for two new CUSTOMERs and add them to the database to demonstrate that your pages work.

Reference no: EM131259220

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