Co-operation between kellog and wilmar international ltd

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Reference no: EM13889620 , Length: word count:3500

You are required to research the co-operation between Kellogg, the American food manufacturer, and Wilmar International Ltd., the Singaporean producers, to work in the Chinese market (initially reported in 2012 and now facing some challenges). Research and analysis should continue until February 2015. With reference to the academic literature and using your analysis of relevant environmental factors, suggest the most important external issues and trends which drove Kellogg and Wilmar together. Which is causing issues today? In which areas are the expected internal benefits and synergies for both companies involved?

Additional information

The problem related to Economics and it explains about writing a research report on the co-operation between Kellog and Wilmar International Ltd and their work in the Chinese market.

Word limit: 3500

Reference no: EM13889620

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