CN5101 Database Systems Assignment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132530527

CN5101 Database Systems - University of East London

Individual Assignment

BuyMe Database Design and Implementation

1. Show current price of Apple for all exchanges
2. Show maximum price of a share in USA market
3. Show minimum price for Apple for all data (from all exchanges)
4. Find broker who has maximum number of appointments
5. Find customer which booked the maximum number of appointments
6. Show all UK stocks having price higher than average for Asian market today
7. Show all stocks having price higher than average for USA market today
8. Update the price for all APPLE shares (Assuming there is a price change to 1000$)

Attachment:- Database Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132530527

Questions Cloud

Find what advice do have for helen bedru : Find What advice do you have for Helen Bedru? Support your response with sufficient and sound reasoning.Helen Bedru is the assistant controller of Cotton Cravat
Find three disadvantages of subjective performance : Find three disadvantages of subjective performance evaluation that work against Elena's argument.Elena, a mid-level manager, is arguing position that her firm
Identify two disadvantages of financial performance measure : GH Inc.Identify two disadvantages of financial performance measures that GH Inc. might be trying to overcome with such an action.
Prepare decision tree that clearly provides an objective : Prepare decision tree that clearly provides an objective analysis of the options. The decision tree should clearly denote expected values, probabilities
CN5101 Database Systems Assignment : CN5101 Database Systems Assignment Help and Solution, University of East London - Assessment Writing Service - Show current price of Apple for all exchanges
Compute the activity rate under the activity-based costing : Compute The activity rate under the activity-based costing system for Activity 3 is closest to. The company uses activity-based costing.
Solve the target sales value using the marginal income ratio : Solve the target sales value using the marginal income ratio, if profit of R 600 000 is desired. Estimated units of production and sales
Calculate fixed production overhead expenditure : Calculate fixed production overhead expenditure and volume variances and then subdivide the volume variance. Calculate price and usage variances
Determining the cost function using an example : The company can derive from a full understanding of cost behavior. Also describing various methods of determining the cost function using an example to explain.


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