Reference no: EM132900500 , Length: word count:2500
CMP4267 Computer Systems - Birmingham City University
Assessment - IOT Centred Knowledge Based Article
Learning Outcome 1: Reflect on the application of computer systems theory.
Learning Outcome 2: Illustrate the design configurations of a secure digital device solution.
Learning Outcome 3: Develop a knowledge based written article of your solution.
Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate knowledge of security techniques in computer systems.
The assessment allows students to demonstrate hands-on experience, of both hardware and software implementation of basic IOT concepts, learnt during labs sessions and in private study time. The delivery of a peer review article encourages students to read about new trends and latest developments in preparation for continued academic study. Writing an article encourages students to engaging in professional, reflective dialogue with their peers and the course team.
Writing a Knowledge Based Article: The article is to be written based on theoretical and practical skills learnt in lab sessions. Theoretical and practical skills include Number systems, Computer logic, Digital electronics, Computer logic and Computer Hardware. The assessment emphasises the writer's ability to research and reflect on the knowledge acquired during the study of Computer Systems. Research may include reading scientific journals and other relevant literature suggested by lecturers or through personal interest throughout the course. The assessment contains digital problems to solve using logic principles and the ability to translate these into practice through the designing of circuit configuration diagrams and the implementation of software. The problems to be addressed being based on lab exercises which students have completed prior to the assessment exercise. The article is designed to develop critical thinking about skill learnt by bringing together research and practice in a distinctive discussion of how they would lead technological advancements in the future while maintaining digital security.
This is an individual piece of work submitted through Moodle. The course work emphasises on your ability to research and reflect in the knowledge acquired during the study of computer systems. It contains digital problems to solve using logic principles and the ability to translate these into practice through the designing of circuit configuration diagrams and the discussion of applicable components and software. It develops critical thinking by bringing together research and practice in a distinctive discussion of how you would lead technological advancements. This assessment develops your professional presentation standards to that of academic and industry standard.
The following six deliverables provide detailed expectations and guidance of word count and allocated marks.
1. EasyLogic is a young technology company known for the digitization of products and devices to provide connectivity for real time-information. You have been requested to analyse the current literature and to write a brief review. The review is based on innovative features in modern computing, future research and development trends to be expected in areas such as Internet of Things (IoT) and basic system security.
2. EasyLogic's Client A requires a bespoke home security system. This part of your article focuses on the design and technical development of the required system based on client requirements:
Client Requirements
» Run on battery when there is a mains power cut.
» Arm/disarm upon entry of the correct password or code.
» Be capable ringing a mobile phone on detecting an intruder.
» Support multiple forms of detection such as motion and thermal.
a. The client has also asked for a system upgrade so that it can support a 5th parameter (examples include: multiple contact phone numbers, video streaming, event logging such as incorrect code entry, etc.) but has left the choice of parameter to you.
b. Your article should explain the home security system using logic gates (e.g; AND, NOT, OR, XOR, NOR, XNOR) and associated truth tables.
c. Your article should also include a Boolean expression for Q (final output) for the 5- parameter circuit.
(300 words)
3. Being a young technology company EasyLogic is looking to launch its own range of smart devices for the home consumer market. To remain competitive EasyLogic is relying on a range of products which are innovative and may not be currently available on the market. As a skilled professional, you have been hired by EasyLogic to design and develop one such product for Client B.
This section of your article focuses on the technical development of the product assigned to you (you will be assigned a product category at random). EasyLogic has requested that you produce the following:
a. A description of the new product and how it is intended to work
b. A detailed logic circuit diagram that describes how one aspect of new product is intended to work
c. A Boolean expression, stating Q, to accompany the aforementioned logic circuit diagram
(400 words)
4. On the basis of research and your knowledge, the article in this section should propose the hardware requirements to implement a solution to Part 3, using either Tinkercad, Fritzing or Circuit Maker environments include a labelled diagram and clear discussion of components.
(500 words)
5. The article should end with the following:
a. Draw conclusive recommendations on how you believe technological competiveness of Part 2 and 3 can be further achieved for both the consumer and manufacturer.
(300 words)
b. Security considerations relevant to your designs such as communication encryption, firewall configuration and end user awareness for IOT style devices.
(400 words)
6. The presentation of your Knowledge Article is based on institutional standards recommended by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) and with adherence to Birmingham City University's academic assessment policy and guidance. This part measures your ability to follow instruction and present your work in a professional manner, with clear attention to your writing, structure and ability to reference using the Harvard approach. The following will assist you in accomplishing your article to standard.
a. The ‘CS Article Template.doc' is the recommend template for your article. It is adapted from the IEEE and takes into account the IET requirements.
b. The IEEE website
c. The IET website
Attachment:- Computer Systems.rar