Cloud computing management

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM13780974

Executive Summary

As we selecting Google Docs as the SaaS provider Proper actions are to be upheld when handling Google Docs servers as the software service providers. This is a challenge posed from several grounds, starting from its vulnerability to hacking and eavesdropping to the complex breakdown of the whole server.

Thorough backups should be constantly made in order to maintain security of storage. Credentials provide some kind of privacy to users, and therefore, confidentiality is significant to each particular user and subscriber.

Moreover, these logon credentials bar against unauthorized access, as well as providing for identification during a breach in the cloud's network security. In as much as Google Docs provide faster access, the enlisted challenges must be delved into, and the proposed security measures enforced.
Google Docs services offer quick and efficient data storage centers that allow companies and business organizations realize higher customer and client transactions. Most of the considerations to handle clients on an expanding scale lies within these services and the promising scenarios held within the servers.

Additionally, most of the transactions held within the clouds could hold moral issues, but with advancements in technological security and ethics, more services are being engineered to make up for the loopholes observed within the servers and the client providers.

These software-based services are bound to last for longer periods with intermediary updates and certificate upgrading to ensure enforcement of commitment among the subscribers.
Each specific aspect of cloud computing must be considered with utmost care before deploying a specific kind of server to be used in the migration process or any other kind of attachment for provision of client services round the clock.

These can only be achieved and attained through a careful model of study of the challenges of the cloud servers.
Information Security Assessment
Users own accounts separately. These require security credentials during logging in to access the account services and details. Several failed repeated attempts lead to closure of the accounts, or temporary blockage. Every user is entitled to their own accounts with no access to other person's accounts.

Super users are administrators with credentials to reset passwords and edit client information, with privileges to delete users who violate rules.

Passwords must be changed occasionally to dissuade hackers from accessing critical and sensitive information. All users have different levels of access to the system, with a few users having extreme user privileges to oversee the accounts of other users, and monitor their transactions. These are the super users with ability to delete or add users into the system.

Default account settings are provided for other users who might want to provide feedback. Also, passwords of all subscribed users are encrypted to ensure security.

All user information sent over the network has VPNs for remote connection. These are secure and tunneled securely through secure tunnels. The sessions created for the VPNs are destroyed to prevent tracking and unauthorized access by crackers and hackers.
All applications are enforced with SSL certificates that ensure that they are signed to prevent against alterations.

Moreover, these https and SSL certificates provide for security within the network.
Cloud connections must comply with Security Assertion Markup Language for any transaction to prevent against alterations and any overwriting. All encrypted data should provide for decryption keys to be used in order to identify with information within the cloud Google Docs or Gmail servers.

Each user shall be authorized to access different levels of files on the cloud server. Only administrators are to be granted authority to edit or alter information stored in the servers.

This is an entire session of setting up privileges of access to the resources that can be accessed by different persons or users within the network.
Availability is an essential part of Google Docs. In every instance, one is able to access the resources on the public cloud. With these rights and advantages comes a big challenge of confidentiality. Public cloud servers mean that every individual can access the information. Therefore, confidentiality of users' information should be maintained by the administrators.

Security key to confidentiality and both are a function of each other. This calls for utmost integrity when instituting rights to administrators.
Non-repudiation is an essential component of cloud computing which ensures that all data is valid and is secure against attacks by malwares and such kinds of viruses.

This also entails digital signing of data against unauthorized copying and moving, since non-repudiation entails also copyright information.
Availability defines the whole logic of implementing any cloud-based data migration. This is due to the requirement of ease of accessibility to the particular resources by different clients and vendors. Moreover, agreement services are based on availability and this hence determines the nature and kind of services between cloud providers and the clients. Gmail offers these features of cloud connectivity with easily available connections.

Reference no: EM13780974

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